what we do

New Bamboo brings a fresh perspective to your business, to optimize and leverage your current capabilities. Moreover, New Bamboo can provide additional capacity that is easily turned on or off, without incurring the risks, costs, time and distractions associated with the recruitment process. We will work with you to develop the right set of services to fit your needs. Some examples of our capabilities include:

Setting up and transitioning into partnerships

  • Strategic planning to identify your partnership needs, including key attributes needed and desired in potential partner(s)
  • Search for appropriate partners and projects, including assistance in seeking project funding
  • Conduct due diligence
  • Craft the right kind of partnership, both overall structure and details of management

Relationship management

  • Create governing committees, writing the charter and identification and prescreening of appropriate committee members
  • Assistance in meeting management
  • Assistance between meetings

Intellectual Property Strategy

  • Develop appropriate IP strategies to protect new technology platforms
  • Create implementation plans for IP strategies
  • Create and maintain IP committees to oversee the IP strategies and manage resultant IP

Project management oversight

Grant-writing and reporting

Especially for funders:

  • Due diligence on potential grantees or projects
  • Needs assessment for grantees
  • Preparation of case studies